K-LASER Cube 4 VET is a powerful and compact laser that effectively treats small, large and exotic animals. The powerful software adapts to the K-Laser Cube 4's dynamic therapy, selecting treatment protocols in real-time for treating animals of all skin/coat colors. This technology is efficient, powerful and equipped with accessories, which makes it easy to manage and quickly complete the treatment procedure. Its practicality and lightness allow the doctor or his assistant to use it easily in any conditions, even outdoors in low or high ambient temperatures. Frequency 1-20,000 Hz. In addition, the K-Laser Cube 4 Vet technology is always updated via Wi-Fi. This model continues to be the benchmark in laser technology and is unattainable by competitors. Warranty for the laser device - 2 years, for the optical fiber - 1 year. The longest duration of the procedure with this K-Laser model is 8 minutes. It is possible to create treatment programs yourself or to adjust already created ones.
Cube 4

NEW 4 wavelengths 660/800/905/970nm
NEW 20W-ISP (superpulse wave) mode
NEW 15W-CW (continuous wave) mode
Accelerates regeneration and faster treatment at the cellular and tissue level of all types of acute and chronic pathologies without medication: odonto-stomatological, skin, nail, beak, tooth diseases, nerves (neuropathies, polyneuropathies, traumatic or iatrogenic paresthesias, dysaesthesias and anaesthesias), tendons and ligaments lesions, infected and open skin wounds, skin infections, ulcers, mucositis, perianal sac infections, lick granulomas, hematomas, feline renal failure, feline cystitis/pancreatitis, complicated ear infections, onychomycosis (fungus), all types of pain in all parts of the body, osteoarthritis, hip dysplasia. It is used for the rehabilitation of the entire body of the animal from head to toe. After an injury or surgery, there is no need to wait for the inflammation, swelling, pain and medication to pass - the procedures are started the next day after the surgery or immediately after the injury. There is no need to shave the fur, during the procedure - touch the fur or skin (this is important for sensitive or angry animals). All exotic animals are treated. It is particularly popular due to its therapeutic effectiveness for the recovery of sports animals after exertion, operations, injuries, and pain relief. Treats all types of tissues in all parts of the animal's body (soft tissue, ligaments, cartilage and bones, nerves).

Treatment of internal organ diseases - pancreatitis, kidney and liver failure, gastritis, respiratory (rhinitis/sinusitis, tonsillitis, brachycephalic syndrome, laryngitis, laryngeal collapse/paralysis, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), feline asthma, collapsed trachea, pneumonia, tracheobronchitis, smoke inhalation), inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), anal sac, rectal prolapse, perianal fistulae, bladder (transitional cell carcinoma, lower urinary tract disease (FLUTD), cystitis/pyelonephritis), urethra (urolithiasis), prostate (benign prostatic hyperplasia, neoplasia)... .
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